The uncompromising craftsmanship of steel products

We sculpt professionally the future from steel

Quality Quality
Technology Technology
Competitive price Competitive price

Sheet processing

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Mechanical processing

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Pipe and Profiles processing

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Bending and welding

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Lathe-machined workpieces

We have partnerships with leading companies with state-of-the-art CNC lathe centres capable of machining workpieces of carbon steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys. The maximum diameter of the workpiece is 350 mm, and the maximum length - 1000 mm.

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Качествен контрол

За да поддържаме високо производствено качество, всички
произведени детайли, възли и изделия преминават през контрол на качеството.
Високо технологична апаратура в комбинация с добре обучени специалисти
гарантират безкомпромисната изработката на изделията според Вашите



We help you understand the state of technology in the business, in your
own language. All so you can make coolheaded decisions based on facts.

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